Hacker Neus
Hacker Neus
Hi HN,

I’m excited to share Kameo, a lightweight Rust library that helps you build fault-tolerant, distributed, and asynchronous actors. If you're working on distributed systems, microservices, or real-time applications, Kameo offers a simple yet powerful API for handling concurrency, panic recovery, and remote messaging between nodes.

Key Features:

- Async Rust: Each actor runs as a separate Tokio task, making concurrency management simple.

- Remote Messaging: Seamlessly send messages to actors across different nodes.

- Supervision and Fault Tolerance: Create self-healing systems with actor hierarchies.

- Backpressure Support: Supports bounded and unbounded mpsc messaging.

I built Kameo because I wanted a more intuitive, scalable solution for distributed Rust applications. I’d love feedback from the HN community and contributions from anyone interested in Rust and actor-based systems.

Check out the project on GitHub: https://github.com/tqwewe/kameo

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!